New year, New company – Marketing resolutions you should be sticking to this year

The start of a new year is the perfect time to start looking at new resolutions to uptake for your company, in particular in marketing. Here are our top 5 resolution recommendations to stick to in 2018.


  1. More Video

Video content has been proven to work wonders for companies and has been branded as the future of marketing. According to Hubspot, 80% of people remember a video they watched in the last month, which could be down to video being highly visual and auditory. This makes it a lot easier to remember and is great for marketers as it means people are far more likely to remember your video content and brand over any other type of content. Video content is also much more likely to be shared around the internet and go viral, with it being estimated that 92% of people who watch mobile videos share them with their friends, which is very high compared to any other form of advertisement and will ensure that your content is seen by more people.

Additionally, it has been shown that 65% of business decision makers visit a marketer’s website after watching a branded video and when it comes to email campaigns, using video content in an email increases its click through rate by 200-300%. Using this content type can drive more business opportunities and customers to your company and increase your revenue and the success of your business.

  1. Keep activity high on social media

Social Media users are expected to reach 2.95 billion by 2020, making these websites a great place to advertise your company. Having a constant flow of engaging content being released on these sites will give you more of a chance to increase your following, as well as increasing your chances your content being shared, allowing more people to see your company, increasing your brand awareness and generating more leads.


  1. Invest in paid social media advertising

With so many people and companies using social media it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. Using paid advertising gives you not only a chance to be seen over the see of others, but also allows people who aren’t already following or aware of you to see your content. You can tailor your advert to be shown to people who have particular interests, live in a certain location and more. This means your target audience are more likely to see your post and in turn go to your website and use your company.


  1. Ask your audience what they want

Do some research into what your customers really want and find out what sort of content you should be posting straight from them. People love when they are able to give feedback on certain aspects of a company, telling you what they love and what they think could be improved. Asking them questions and opening up the chance for them to comment is great for customer satisfaction and will strengthen your relationship with your customers.

  1. Keep your website up to date

Some companies think that once they have built their website they don’t need to do anything to it afterwards, however this isn’t the case. Your website will always need changing and updating to keep up with new technology and the competition. Constantly updating your website will do wonders for your business, as your customers will always have the most up to date information. You also need to change your website constantly in order to have a good SEO result, for example using new keywords that are related to your business and creating fresh content that the search engines can pick up on. With technology always changing and improving, new software and add-ons are created all the time that can help improve your website greatly, so keeping up to date on these updates can help your website be more responsive and better overall.

If you need help with any of your digital marketing in 2018 don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of marketing experts are on hand to help you improve your strategies and increase your brand awareness.

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