16 September 2014 boxchilli Last Updated: 27 September 2021 boxChilli’s Top Social Media Sites For Business You probably already have a favourite social media site, but is it the right one for your business? Today, we’re looking at a very chatty phenomenon from a much more professional angle Facebook The largest social networking site, popular with teens and their grandparents alike, Facebook dominates more marketing plans than it should. It’s ideal for connecting with customers if they can cheerfully ‘like’ your product, so feel-good lifestyle brands, hobbies and niche products often win out here. Products that aren’t so easy to brag about struggle to get a good return. Twitter With its conversational format and constant stream of information, Twitter typically requires a high level of effort. It’s a great way of building up a connection with key players across the board, if you work in a socially active industry like publishing, tourism or retail. It’s less useful for industrial firms, although B2B can be successful as there are so many other companies tweeting now. (You can find us at @BoxChilli!) LinkedIn A professional network, LinkedIn lets you connect with industry professionals around the world. It’s a good way to reach out to business contacts of all kinds and is often used as a recruitment tool. However, the site is much less socially active than other networks. It’s more like an 8am conference session than a few drinks after work. Pinterest and Instagram Image sharing sites are great for lifestyle businesses of all kinds, from hair dressing to health spas, eco-tourism to adventure breaks. Users tend to be female, and with money to spend. It’s essential to have good quality, attractive images, and this can mean a significant investment of time and energy. Of course, you should really have these already, for your own site and advertising. Professional photographers offer surprisingly affordable rates for product photography. Google+ Hailed as the new Facebook, Google’s social media site didn’t really live up to the hype. Now the dust has cleared, however, it’s showing as a solid, more professional side of the online social world. It’s a good choice if you’re looking to expand your online presence, and is particularly strong for B2B communications. YouTube Product demos, sales videos and blatant advertisements all get views on YouTube. It’s a great place to host content that can be shared around the web. Most videos get relatively few comments, making it low maintenance, and you can update it only when you have something new to share. Videos on the site show up surprisingly highly in Google search results, making this an SEO tip, too. The second largest number of search after Google are on YouTube Yelp, FourSquare and other directories Reviews have given even telephone directories a social element. Any bricks-and-mortar business should make sure their listing is correct, and check back regularly to respond to any unfair or misleading reviews. A low maintenance social network at last! Take a look at our portfolio for some recent projects, if you like to find out more how we can help you with social media & digital marketing visit our pages or to find more about our web design and digital marketing team Anders Bohea – boxChilli Digital. Back to blog list About the Author boxchilli